
1. National FCT Projects
2. International Projects
3. COST Actions
4. Portuguese MS Network


National FCT projects

2003-2006: POCTI/ESP/48272/2002 - The glyoxalase pathway in Leishmania: potential therapeutic applications
PI: Carlos Cordeiro

2005-2009: POCI/QUI/62027/2004 - Ovothiol metabolism in Leishmania: Identification of new therapeutic targets
PI: António Ferreira

2005-2009: POCI/SAU-FCF/58855/2004 - Análogos da L-Arginina Marcados com fac-[99mTc(CO)3]+ para Avaliação in vivo do Óxido Nitrico Sintase: Síntese, Caracterização e Avaliação biológica
PI: João Galamba (ITN), PI at FCUL: Carlos Cordeiro

2006-2010: PTDC/QUI/73430/2006 - Vias para a compreensão da doença de Parkinson: Estudos in vitro e in vivo do folding, agregação e vias de degradação da alpha-sinucleina, sinpfilina-1 e parquina em condições de glicação
PI: Alexandre Quintas; PI at FCUL: Carlos Cordeiro

2008-2011: PTDC/QUI/70610/2006 - Transthyretin glycation and amyloidogenesis in yeast: A model system of neurodegenerative amyloid diseases
PI: Carlos Cordeiro

2008-2012: PTDC/QUI/70523/2006 - Reconstruction and systems analysis of the reaction networks of reactive oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur species in representative physiological systems
PI: Armindo Salvador (U. Coimbra)

2008-2012: PTDC/AMB/65462/2006 -(Hiper)acumulação de Arsénico e outros Elementos por Plantas adaptadas a sítios contaminados por actividade Mineira e Metalúrgica. Especiação, Identificação de mecanismos de Acumulação e Desintoxicação e Aplicações em Bioremediação (HYPERAS)
PI:;Alexandre Bettencourt, PI at FCUL: M. Helena Florêncio

2010-2012: PTDC/QUI-QUI/105153/2008 - Structural effects of metal ion chelation on human Tau 2N-4R and Abeta42: A step to further elucidate the role of metals on Alzheimer´s disease
PI: Catarina Correia

2010-2012: PTDC/QUI-BIQ/113027/2009 - Acetilação de proteínas na regulação do ciclo celular em Drosophila melanogaster
PI: Rui Martinho (IGC), PI at FCUL: Carlos Cordeiro

2010-2013: PTDC/BIA-MIC/101375/2008 - Metabolic circuits in inflicted bacterial cell death
PI: Rita Almeida, PI at FCUL: António Ferreira

2010-2014: PTDC/CVT/100090/2008 - Acquisition of iron in Leishmania infantum - which are the players and what is their relevance for pathogenesis?
PI: Ana Tomás (U. Porto), PI at FCUL: Marta Sousa Silva

2010-2014: PTDC/BIA-PRO/101624/2008 - Papel do H2O2 na função endotelial como modelador das modificações pós-traducionais das histonas
PI: Carla Afonso

2011-2014: PTDC/SAU-MIC/115178/2009 - Pathways proteomics in Leishmania: Mapping the functional proteome towards novel therapeutic opportunities
PI: Carlos Cordeiro

2011-2014: PTDC/QUI-BIQ/113477/2009 - RACHIs - Reduction on the Absorption of Cholesterol by Herbal Infusions (Functional Foods)
PI: M. Luisa Serralheiro

2013-2017: RECI/BBB-BEP/0104/2012 - The architecture of life: Probing the quaternary structure of virus capsids by native mass spectrometry
PI: Carlos Cordeiro

2013-2017: HMSP-ICJ/0022/2011 (Clinical Research Projects (Junior version), in the Framework of the Cooperation Agreement between Portugal and Harvard Medical School) - Obstructive sleep apnea and associated metabolic/cardiovascular disorders: understanding mechanisms towards early diagnosis and prognosis prediction
PI: Amélia Feliciano

2014-2015: EXPL/BBB-BIO/0439/2013 - Metabolic markers of downy mildew resistance in grapevine
PI: Marta Sousa Silva;

2014-2015: PTDC/AGR-GPL/119753/2010 - Unravelling grapevine defense mechanism against downy mildew through O'mics (transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics) networking
PI: Andreia Figueiredo

Since 2015: PTDC/BBB-BEP/2463/2014 - ProbeCOPD: Protease activity-based probes for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease diagnostics
PI: Susana Lucas de Oliveira

Since 2018: PTDC/BAA-MOL/28675/2017 - Metabolic markers of downy mildew resistance in grapevine
PI: Marta Sousa Silva, co-PI: Andreia Figueiredo

2018-2019: PTDC/BTM-TEC/28554/2017 - Target Specific Immunoaffinity Assay for translation of protein biomarkers into PARKinsons diagnostic
PI: Vukosava M. Torres

Since 2018: PTDC/BIA-BQM/28539/2017 - Grapevine immunity: the innovative role of subtilisin-like proteases
PI: Andreia Figueiredo, co-PI: Marta Sousa Silva

Since 2018: PTDC/BIA-FBT/28170/2017 - Functional studies of plant membrane trafficking and secretion - the phosphoinositide pathway in the responses to abiotic stress
PI: Rui Malhó

Since 2018: PTDC/CTA-AMB/30056/2017 - Development and validation of bio-optical ecotoxicological tests in marine phototrophs
PI: Bernardo Duarte

2020-2021: Research4COVID-19 613710218-562 - SAFE Coating - anti viral coating for wide spread use
PI: Carlos Cordeiro

2022-2023: EXPL/BTA-BTA/1389/2021 - Wine yeasts typing: discrimination of non-conventional wine yeasts through untargeted chemical fingerprinting 
PI: Marta Sousa Silva, co-PI: Carlos Cordeiro

2022-2023: CPCA/A0/467905/2021 - Methods for data augmentation in FT-ICR-MS untargeted metabolomics
PI: António Ferreira, co-PI: Marta Sousa Silva

Since 2023: 2022.06990.PTDC - CellNET: The role of phosphoinositides and NET actin-binding proteins in the regulation of vesicle traffic and secretion in plant cells
PI: Rui Malhó

Since 2024: 2024.06915.CPCA - Development of foundational machine-learning models for the MS-based metabolomics classification of yeast strains combining Formulae Difference Graphs and Few-Shot Learning
PI: António Ferreira, co-PI: Marta Sousa Silva

Start 2025: 2023.14744.PEX - CONSORT: Bacterial Consortia à la carte for a Sustainable Agriculture
PI: Marta Sousa Silva


International Projects

2011-2012: Junior Research Grant - TTR Amyloid fiber formation in vivo - looking beyond genetic factors
PI: Gonçalo Costa (only 3 granted worldwide per year)

2013-2016: PERSSILAA - FP7-ICT-2013-10, Project nr. 610359 (European Commission - 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration) -PERSSILAA - PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing
PI: Miriam M. R. Vollenbroek (Univ. Twente)

2014-2016: IUPAC 2013-054-2-300 - Healthy life and active ageing – the contribute of functional food ingredients
PI: Amélia Pilar Rauter

2018-2022: H2020, Project nr. 731077 -EU_FT-ICR_MS: European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers,
PI: Christian Rolando (Univ. Lille), PI at FCUL: Carlos Cordeiro

2019-2021: IUPAC 2017-037-2-300 - Bridging Ethnic Food Cultures through Chemistry,
PI: Amélia Pilar Rauter 

Since 2023: HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01, Grant agreement nr. 10109413 - Fragment-Screen - From fragments to high affinity binders interfacing integrated structural biology, medicinal chemistry and artificial intelligence,
PI: Harald Schwalbe (Goethe Univ. Frankfurt), PI at FCUL: Carlos Cordeiro


COST Actions

BM1403 - Native Mass Spectrometry and Related Methods for Structural Biology

CM1406 - Epigenetic Chemical Biology

CM0801 - New Drugs for Neglected Diseases

IS1408 - Industrially Contaminated Sites and Health Network


Portuguese MS Network

2006-2016: REDE/1501/REM/2005 - Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa / Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (FCT - Programa Nacional de re-equipamento Científico)
PI: Maria Helena Florêncio, PI at FCUL: Carlos Cordeiro

Since 2017: LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125 - Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa / Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures)
PI: Maria Helena Florêncio, co-PI: Carlos Cordeiro


Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa


Email: cacordeiro@fc.ul.pt
Phone: +351-217500929



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