The FT-ICR Lab is a pioneer research laboratory specialized in top-down proteomics, structural mass spectrometry and metabolomic fingerprinting.
The lab is a core center of the European Network of FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry Centers (EU_FT-ICR_MS network) and one of the two centers of the Portuguese Instruct Research Site (Instruct-PT)
The FT-ICR Lab is integrated in
BioISI - Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute
Protein glycation, structure and stability, top-down proteomics and native MS
Metabolic characterization of grapevine and wine
Human fingerprints metabolic profilling
Forensics chemical profilling
Two instrument laboratories (8.2.33 and 8.3.46) and a microbiology lab (8.4.46); office space for team members and students
One FT-ICR, one modified Q-TOF for native MS, two other mainstream mass spectrometers, several HPLCs and protein purification systems
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